What's on

A Sanctuary on the Strand, St Mary le Strand is an inspirational and peaceful place for Christian worship. An inclusive church we welcome and serve everyone. We celebrate every person and don’t discriminate on grounds of race, identity, gender, or sexuality. We are truly ‘open to God and open to all’.

See below for 'What's On' as part of our Public and Cultural Programme and our Special Events and Church Services.

For all enquiries relating to Candlelight Concerts, International Piano Series or City Music Promotions Concerts please phone: +44 7821 611023.

Magnolia Festival – Music for Springtime

A series of concerts and services for Springtime. Celebrating our famous Magnolia Trees outside St Mary le Strand. We are raising funds for the musical life of the church especially the aim of purchasing a concert quality piano. Click event for more details and a link to the programme.

The Queenes Chappell: ‘Della Dominica 1610’

The Queenes Chappell, London's newest solo voice consort, performs a programme of virtuosic Italian vocal music heard in the grand basilicas of Rome in the early 17th Century. Tickets available for £8 (£5 students / under 21) on the door or via Eventbrite.

Evensong for Palm Sunday

A service of Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer with the first of the stories in the series of the Women of Holy Week. Followed by light refreshments. All Welcome.