Offertory Prayer


St Mary le Strand Church is a Sanctuary at the heart of the Strand-Aldwych District. Please show your support and help us to carry out our work, both locally and within the wider community.

And a big thank you to everyone who gives to God through the church by the Parish Giving Scheme or by Standing Order. Planned, regular giving makes a huge difference and helps with all our planning. We also know that these are uncertain times and many peoples’ work and finances do not feel as secure as they were a year ago.  If your circumstances change then your giving should change.  We are immensely grateful for everyone’s generosity.

We can’t take a collection during the online services, but if you would like to make an online donation to St Mary le Strand Church, to support our continuing mission and ministry, please use one of the options below.

Parish Giving Scheme

You can give to St Mary le Strand Church securely online via the Parish Giving Scheme: click here

Make a One-off Online Donation

Thank you for generous support:
Better Baroque than Broke!